Wednesday, May 14, 2014

So I'm a sub-master lifter now??????

      I am planning on competing in June and I went to check out the meet entry form to determine cost, times, location, etc. and as I was reading the form I noticed the different age categories that I could enter and realized that I was now eligible to enter as a sub-master lifter.  The age bracket is 33-39 and I will turn 34 shortly after the meet.  Wow, am I really that old? Now, I know what some of you are thinking, 34 isn't that old.  And, you are right 34 isn't that old, I don't consider myself old, I'm still a child in many many ways.  But I guess someone some where thought that guys who are my age should be given a different age bracket because I guess we are starting to break down?  I'm not sure.  I know there are some stud younger lifters out there who are freaks but, as a general rule strength doesn't peak in most men until later in life, years later.  I remember when Coach Bill Gillespie was the first man over 50 to bench press 800lbs.  He isn't the only one, Chuck V is still smashing big weights and the list goes on.  I would bet there are there more guys older guys smashing PRs than younger guys.

      I can remember when I first got into powerlifting and most of the guys I trained with were in this  age category.  I remember thinking man thats not old, I mean the guys I was training with were squatting 800-1,000lbs, benching 600-700lbs, and pulling over 700lbs.  I wouldn't exactly call them weak.  I definitely didn't think they need their own age bracket.  I and now that I am their age, I definitely don't think I need my own age bracket.

      Once I got over the shock and awe of my age, I went and checked out the records for my weight class in the sub-masters division.  There were none.  I thought that was interesting.  Two thoughts come to mind, one that no one is entering in that division.  Second, that no one wants to enter that division.  I don't know what the real answer is.  You would think in the state of Texas there would be guys who are sub-masters lifting.

      So that brings us to the great question.....  What am I going to do?  Honestly, it will come down to money.  I would like to create some type of immortality by having my name etched in the record books.  I have set and broken other records in other federations before, so it's not that I want to chase records.  I do think its a bit silly to not compete open class.  If, I can afford it, I will enter both divisions and try to set records in each.  I am excited to get back on the platform and anxious to compete again.  It's been too long and I want to feel the excitement of lifting in front of a crowd and being judged to a high standard.  June 14th can't come soon enough.

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