This week has been one of a lot of self reflection, soul searching, and thought. Summer is almost here. I am considering a new business venture. One that I have tried before, but never really pursued. I think this time, I'm going to give it my full effort and see what happens. I will probably use this blog as one way to create success. I am excited because of the possibilities that it could be. I'm not looking to get rich or become a millionaire, but it would be nice to have some extra income. So stay tuned for that.
Training this week has gone well. Tuesday was good to get some more work in since I felt like I under performed at Quadz this week. 425 x 3 is no where near a PR but still some good work. Wednesday, I pulled from the floor. I don't feel comfortable pulling from their at all. I have been using the "dive bomb" approach to pulling and although I feel better using it, the bar is still coming out in front of me quite a bit. I don't think I will be able to use that approach for max attempts. I worked up to two doubles at 455. In my mind I was thinking this was going to be a speed day, but the bar speed definitely didn't reflect that. After reflecting on the percentages and weights used, they were too heavy. I need to back the weights way down and get some more speed in to the pull. Next week, I will probably have a couple three or more speed sets in then I will look to pull something big off of 2 rubber 45's and a 25. That's the plan for now anyways.
I was going to train this morning, but my bed was too comfortable at 5am. My alarm went off, but I immediately hit the snooze button. I know, I know, bad practice, but it is Friday and it has been a long week. I'm toying with the idea of training at lunch, but then again, I want to train at home so I can use the cambered bar. But if I train at school, then I can hit some incline work. I still have some time to make that decision.
In other news, I really like the Frozen soundtrack, I have two little girls who have been running around the house singing the songs for months now. My oldest just had a birthday and so I got her the soundtrack on itunes so she can listen to it whenever and the more I listen to it, the more I like it. I even had it playing Wednesday when I was training. Not your typical heavy metal, hardcore rap music, but I don't always like to hear the same style of music over and over. So it was good. There is nothing more beautiful than hearing your daughter sing. That is the best thing ever. That's all for now.
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